The satellite health centre is also known as Moodoombar Dabbil, a name chosen by the local Traditional Owners and elders. It means ‘good water’ in the Yagara language and symbolises health, healing, wellness and care.

We aren’t an emergency department and only treat minor illnesses or injuries.

In an emergency, always call Triple Zero (000) and ask for an ambulance. If you're not sure, call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) and speak to a registered nurse.

Get in touch

Contact details
Feedback Help us improve our services by telling us about your experience. You can submit a complaint, give a compliment or make a suggestion.
Opening hours
Open 7 days a week, 8 am to 10 pm
Street 150 Botany Drive, South Ripley Qld 4306
Postal 150 Botany Drive, South Ripley Qld 4306

Minor injury and illness clinic

Our clinic is free if you have a Medicare card. You don't need an appointment.

We only treat babies if they're older than 3 months.

We treat conditions such as:

  • fever, cough and cold
  • rash and infection
  • earache, toothache and eye problems
  • broken bones and fractures
  • minor cuts, wounds and burns
  • minor head injuries.

We also offer diagnostic services, including ultrasound, X-ray, CT scan, and pathology, to help treat patients with minor injuries.

If we can't treat you, an ambulance will take you to hospital.

If you don’t need urgent care, please see your GP.

Plan your visit

Information to help you plan your visit to Ripley Satellite Health Centre (Moodoombar Dabbil).

Street address: 150 Botany Drive, South Ripley Qld 4306
Use arrow keys to navigate and plus/minus keys to zoom in and out.


We have free onsite parking for patients and staff.

Ripley Satellite Hospital is expanding

We’re making the satellite hospital bigger and better to make it easier for our growing community to get the health care they need.

We'll have free parking, a therapy garden and a new building with 90 overnight beds. We'll offer more health services including geriatric and palliative care, rehabilitation and sub-acute general medicine.