Our Older Person’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021–2026  [PDF 3584.25 KB] is helping us give older people better health services and support so they can feel well and live well.

It sets out our plan to help them:

  • stay healthy, happy and resilient
  • get the support they need to keep living at home
  • stay connected to their community through family and carers.

What we're doing

  • Treating older people with fairness and respecting their rights
  • Working with family and carers to help older people stay healthy and independent
  • Offering preventive health care and services close to home
  • Training health professionals to give age friendly care
  • Teaching older people about their health rights, ways to get care, and how to keep healthy
  • Improving health care and support for groups of older people who need it the most
  • Checking that our care is getting better for older people

How we developed our strategy

We worked with the Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN, local health providers, older people, families and carers to make this strategy for our region.